My Experience with Sense, Perception, Religion, and This Class

I am writing this post as a sort of preface to my experiences with this class as well as the human senses in general. The topic of this class sounded deeply fascinating especially as someone who was raised in a rather secular home, religious engagement with senses is something I really have not had much chance to think about. A goal of mine, especially regarding taking this class, was to find ways of reconceptualizing the senses and more specifically the linkages between the senses. These links and the various associations that are created through them, manage to be one of the most important yet understated aspects of the human sensory experience, at least as far I see it.
I have not really dedicated much time to thoroughly and critically reflecting on my senses and the role they play for me. My education has taught me to critically reflect on so many things yet my own lived bodily experience is something that does seem to usually fall under review, it almost seems that it does not count as a respectable source. This concept obviously applies to most people, many senses aren’t respected, but it was with my own relationship with the senses that I wanted to take this course. 
I think that overall I can say, the most important part of the class for me has been the opportunity to see how both myself and my classmates relate to senses, it is honestly enlightening at points and helps especially in current circumstances. This semester has been incredibly tough and  this class has provided some ways to understand how, say smell connects intimately with taste or even the senses beyond. This is a really strange post and even I can quite
describe its energy but I think it is a good way to frame my other posts.


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