In conclusion

I signed up to take this class in order to fulfill a connection (with nutrition), something that the administration of our college is moving to phase out or perhaps alter significantly. And while I found some connections to be a stretch, looking at the catalogue of what was possible, I thought most were solid. However I'm still pissed at the school for not letting me connect a class about the religion of Judaism and a class on the history of Jews in Europe, seemed like a layup, but I digress. I'm still glad I took the class.

While I can't promise I'll retain all the content, I do feel like I learned a decent amount about my peers in the class. People sharing anecdotes about memories brought on by smells and sounds, it reminded me about how interesting people can be and what the human mind can do.

Also I had fun during the banquet, making a pizza, for a live audience, wearing a shirt saying "Pizza's got your back", but sadly theres nothing on the back of the shirt, always seemed like a missed opportunity.

So long and thanks for all the fish



  1. I am glad that you made a farewell post. It overall was a fun class and I will miss it.


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