Disclaimer: there are may logical reasonings that can be used to provide an explanation for what is stated below. It is also important to note that credibility is at hand due the narrator's age.

What even is the sixth sense? Is it a mother's super strength when her child is stuck under a car? Is it a twin's ability to sense that something happened to their sibiling? In all honesty, I wouldn't be able to tell you. However, I would describe the sixth sense as something that diverges from the standard five senses that can be found in the American culture. This reminds me of a dicusson that took place on Wheaton campus. Unfortunately, I can't remember the discusser's name nor the title of their discussion, but I do recall the topic regarding the intrepretation/ reaction of  hearing voices across various cultures. In some cultures it was deemed acceptable and in other cultures it was deemed as unacceptable. For the culture that it wasn't suportive, the people that claimed to hear voices would get treated as patient because it was seen as a mental issue. For those that accepted it, they treated the person fine, but depending on the culture the voies were either postive family membors or god or it was either negative families with harsh words. 

 In David Abram's work, The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More Than Human World, he reveals how easily it is to alter the way one percieves something. One can be easily tricked into thinking something that hadn't actually occurred, but through their POV it did.

There came a time when I really really younger that I came across a strange encounterment. At the time, I lived in Connecticuit. It was nighttime and I was struggled in between my parents whent he strange encouterment took place. I had seen an odd figuriod and heard my name being uttered through a plug in heater. I was frightened nonethless and tried to sleep it off. i never told my parents about the incident. A few years later when I moved to Massachuessetts, something very similar occurred. At the time, I had a bunk bed and shared a room with my sister. Once again at nighttime, I heard my name being uttered. I wasn't as scared as the first time. I questioned if it was my talking-voice in my head, but I knew it wasn't because I wouldn't say my name the way the voice did. Years have gone by and I never experienced something of that magnitutde again. I also never really thought about it too much and oftentimes overlooked it. 


  1. The speaker you were thinking of was Tanya Luhrmann, "Voices of God, Voices of Psychoses." I think the state of Connecticut may be haunted. ;-) Seriously, though, there are quite a lot of reports of paranormal activity coming from Connecticut, including your own.


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