A Less Scary Form of the Sixth Sense
When I used to think of the sixth sense, I immediately associated it to magic and the ability to see dead people (obviously influenced by the literal movie 'The Sixth Sense'). After reading more about it and being introduced to more examples of how it is displayed in our daily lives, I have developed a more complex understanding. Whether it is 'feeling' someone's eyes on you, turning the car around because you had an inkling of a feeling about not shutting the garage door (one that I have felt way too often), or getting a call from someone that you had been meaning to call all day, our sixth sense is represented in many forms. "My life and the world's life are deeply intertwined; when I wake up one morning to find that a week-long illness has subsided and that my strength has returned, the world, when I step outside, fairly sparkles with energy and activity; swallowing are swooping by in vivid flight; waves of heat rise from the newly paved road smelling