The time I saw a Ghost

 David Abram's book reminds me of all the "magical things" I've ever seen in my life and that one time I saw an actual ghost. 

The book reminded me to see all the little things I often just don't think about and to see the magic in them. Like watching fireflies from my back porch or lying awake at night in my room reading a book and being transported to wherever the characters are. These things are not supernatural of course, but I do have one experience that is.

I was staying at the Mount Washington Hotel ( pic below) with my parents. A little background on the hotel was built in 1912 by a husband and wife. A lot of wealthy people used to stay there when it first opened and it is still very fancy, They have people waiting outside the lobby to take your bags up to your room for you. The lobby doors open outward and are not automatic in any way. The hotel is well known to be haunted.

Anyway, I was sitting on one of the lobby couches waiting for my Mom to get out of a conference when all of a sudden a pair of lobby doors burst open inward and then close no one came through the doors. you could say it was a gust of wind, but I've never seen a door open the opposite of its hinges. 


  1. I also appreciated that this book emphasized the importance of small, magical things that we often don't pay attention to because I think those can be significant. Also, your ghost story is spooky!


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