Listen to Women


Young Girl Reading the Quran is a painting by Osman Hamdi Bey.
    The first thing that caught my attention in our hearing reading was learning of women's key role in Qu'ran recitation in Rasmussen's writing in Women, The Recited Qur’an, and Islamic Music in Indonesia. Due to the nature of their voices, women are more able to produce the sounds needed for Qu'ran recitation, the specific vocal patterns, and nasally tones. Not only this but women are also involved in schooling regarding the Qu'ran; both are crucial roles within a religious context. While one is needed for worship, the other is also necessary to teach the youth with the religion the importance of the sacred text. 
    This was very interesting because women are not usually seen as important figures in many religions, or their importance is not broadcast broadly enough. In this case, it's interesting to see their significance in a faith that is said to "oppress women" (mainly stated by the ignorant). I especially think it's a little ironic having women be in positions such as recitations or teachers, seeing as how society has a generally misogynistic view of women and does not listen to their voices. Putting women in these roles enforces at least some idea of equality as it shows that they are capable of doing just as important a task as a man, even in religious contexts.


  1. I think this book is awesome because it turns the western view of women Islan on its head

  2. I really love the image you selected for this post, I think it's beautiful. I also agree with your point about having women in roles as reciters or teachers, I think it's an interesting point to bring up.


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