The Power of Vibrations


The creation of Music I believe has been a quintessential production in humanity's history. It is a phenomena that has taken a plethora of forms globally, and over time has become central to several religious, social and personal testaments. For it to become such a massive, influential form of communication and expression, there has to be something about it that appeals the human condition. The answer in my opinion, is the vibrations. Vibrations that are not just created through instruments, but those that are also created through vocalization of sounds over different pitches and notes. 

Rasmussens discourse on the unique practice of Qu'ranic recitation by Indonesian Women took me back to thinking about chanting and how it's a revered practice in several religions. A couple years ago, I was really into the effect different vibrations have on the human body, and my somewhat in depth research led me to the conclusion that vibrations heard and creations have the ability to shake/move the internal environment on an individual. Certain sounds, at a specific frequency are able to vibrate our organs in a ways that generate emotions and release endorphins in our body. Paired with meaningful vocals the effect can be amplified. I believe this quality is a crucial reason as to why chanting is integrated in so many religions and is proposed as a means to connect with the divine. 

Furthermore, women being the carriers of this tradition makes it that much more powerful, I think its because growing up women were always regraded as personifications of nature and having them be opponents of religion just seems poetic. It was also interesting to see how Women in Islamic Indonesia are advocates for more orthodox religious dictations, I wonder if it's because this musical practice is so deeply intertwined and respected in the community. Women that recite the Quran are dressed in a specific manner adorning a traditional hijab and religious garb and on Rsamussen's account revered in society. If it is, then the practice is keeping religious practices relevant in an urbanizing global community. And this in my opinion, goes to show the power of vibrations.


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