Believing in Dreams
The concept that dreams can be premonitions, messages, warnings, or anything in the realm of the transcendental or paranormal has never been something I even try to understand. Only twice in my life have I experienced or believed in a dream being more than just images concocted by the brain. The first one was my own experience. It was not anything special, just oddly clear and direct in a way. I had the dream when I was in seventh or eighth grade and I remember it perfectly. I was with my family, somewhere beautiful but unknown to me. We were staying in a lovely house next to a crystal clear, shallow river, surrounded by sort of tropical looking forest. There was a gorgeous green lawn between the river and the house and the sun was shining. Every thing seemed perfect. I was swimming with my family, then they went back to the house, leaving me on my own. When they left, a large, sort of ugly, black fish appeared. It lurked for a while before darting at me and trying to bite my feet. I got out just in time and ran. I thought nothing of the dream until I told my grandmother about it. She told me it was a message. She said it meant that if I am somewhere unknown to me, even if it is pristine and beautiful, I should always be aware of my surroundings and if I am traveling far away, like to another country, I should never go alone. The color black in dreams represents depression, sorrow, grief, mystery, and danger. The fish represented that danger.
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