Vision & The Negev

 For those of us who have the ability to see what is around us is truly gifted. Sight has the ability to notice both things of beauty and ugliness. When looking into the sense sight, I usually choose to reminisce on what has caught my eye and truly created something subliminal. A nostalgic time that I was very in tuned with sight would have been when I was in the Negev Desert in Israel. I had been going through an IDF (Israeli Defense Force) program in order to get me acquainted with the soldier life since I hold dual citizenship I have to serve out my 3 years with the IDF. On our first day we ended day training around 5 pm, we began to set up camp and our tents. It was an hour or so later that I saw the most exquisite sight I to this day have ever seen. Around 6-7 pm the sky became dark and the galaxy showed its face. My eyes were able to see not billions but trillions of stars in the sky. In all my life I have never seen so many stars before in what was the most pulchritude range of vision. I was awe struck at being able to see the Andromeda Galaxy and tenfold as many stars. It was at that moment I truly appreciated the ability to see and have that chance to actually view such beauty. I believe that sight is a gift that many people do not appreciate, and ever since that moment I have never lost the love at being able to see such magnificence.


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