therepy dogs

yesterday they had the therapy dogs at school today, and I couldn't help but think about how important dogs are to humans. They bring them in for us just to pet them and relieve our stress, and it certainly seems to help. Many people like to think that dogs need us, when in reality that is far from the truth. Before we genetically modified them to fit our own selfish needs dogs were just fine by themselves, they were just smart enough to notice an easy meal when they can get it.
Now that we have been around dogs for so long it is impossible to denied that some people really do need them. As we saw yesterday they are one of the best stress relievers in the whole world. Most people can't go past a dog without recognizing it, and feeling as if they need to pet them. When they do pet them it is rare u don't see someone get a huge smile on their face. I personally know some people need dogs from my experience working in my fathers veterinary hospital. I've seen people morn both human death and the death of their pets, and it seems at times people are more hurt by the loss of their dogs. I think this is partly because of their unbelievable purity, and their unwavering love for their owners. I think it is those almost godly qualities that dogs posses that makes people say they have a special place in heaven. 
Sometimes it feels as if dogs have a sixth sense in being able to read peoples attitudes better than anything I have ever experienced. First they can tell when your sad and always seem to stay extra close to you when they can tell you are sad or depressed. They can see your struggles and want to help, without even needing to say a word. They also can read strangers, usually a lot better than we can by ourselves. They have an unbelievable ability to read people who are either nervous or sketchy, and always work as the best security system for your home. It is pretty incredible that another species seems to have the ability to see right through us, even better than any human can.


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