The Value of Touch and the Internet.
Touch has been symbolized in various ways throughout history The historical setting of the medieval age Europe provides a context for why was symbolized in certain ways. In that age, most people had a very low quality of life and developed a sense of camaraderie from others being in the same situation as them. Strong social ties were emphasized in the various actions that were social: eating together, bathing together, and sleeping together. Other common forms of social touching were embracing, kissing, and holding hands. The social nature demanded from most people was furthered by the social practices that were common. Social touching was used to illustrate a sense of holy intimacy and forgiveness such as "Jesus healing with a touch, having his feet anointed, washing his disciples' feet, kissed by Judas, [and] scourged by Roman soldiers," (30). Another interesting finding was that work was described as incredibly hard and physically taxing by the vocabulary used to describe it. Even more interesting was after a day's work "the fortunate laborer would enjoy the soft pleasures of bodily comforts. The hardness of the work, indeed, made the softness of the comforts all the more pleasurable," (20). The tactile sensations of life are described to be a necessary obstacle for tactile pleasure later. Various forms of touch were used to describe discipline: "fasting, sexual abstinence, sleep deprivation, and the self-infliction of pain," (32). Pain was also used for various reasons: "instruction, discipline, domination, exorcism, purification, redemption, transcendence, subversion, stimulation, diversion, punishment, and deterrence," (60-61). It is interesting to think about all the facets that tactile sensation covered in the past.
After reading this I am really curious to see how social distancing/isolation and this whole pandemic will have changed social touch? Do you think people will stay further apart and cut down on "unnecessary touching" or do you think there will be more touching because people have been told they can't for such a long time.