Dreams or Reality?

I've always had a weird relationship with my dreams. I've always felt that my dreams are trying to tell me something either about me or happenings around me. When I would have recurring dreams it always felt like there was some sort of force trying to show me something.

When I was little I used to have recurring dreams where I would wake up in the middle of the night and my house would be on fire. I had these dreams for years and they even began to impact me in real life. When we would have fire drills at school and when the smoke detector went off at my house because something was burning I could feel my heart racing. At first, I just thought it was an irrational fear of mine like bugs and the dark and the basement, but I would never have dreams of these other things. Fast forward to when I was in 6th grade: during class, I got called into the principal's office. I go in not knowing what to expect and the principal tells me that my house had caught on fire and burned down and that my mom was coming to pick me up from school. I was in shock, to say the least. I couldn't believe it. The first thing that came to my mind was my dreams. I started thinking things like: "Did I manifest this? I knew it was going to happen. Why didn't I stop it? Why didn't I tell somebody?" I was having these intense feelings of guilt because I thought I had dreamed this accident into reality. Crazy thing though, I haven't had a single dream about my house being on fire since. It was almost as if this physical occurrence had been what all my previous dreams were leading up to. My fear of fires was gone and so were the dreams I had for years.

Ever since that incident, I have been so firm in my belief that my dreams predict certain aspects of my future. Occasionally I'll have these weird deja vu moments in places I've never been with people I've never met because they've occurred to me before in my dreams. I also find that when I dream of someone that I haven't seen in a while they'll contact me or pop up in some way in the near future. It's almost as if my dreams are warning me of unfinished business with people and things.

In class today when we talked about precognitive dreams it seemed to be said that while dreams do hold meaning in our subconscious they do not predict the physical future. I wondered if anyone else had a relationship with their dreams like I do. David Abrams writes, in The Spell of the Sensuous, how Australian Aboriginals "choose the English term "Dreaming" to translate this cosmological notion indicated their sense that the ordinary act of dreaming participates directly in the time of the clan Ancestors, and hence that time is not entirely elsewhere, not entirely sealed off from the perceivable present" (169). So while dreaming is elsewhere of physical consciousness and being, it is not entirely separate. The whole chapter about dreaming resonated with me so much because many of the things that were said I personally believe to be true. To me, dreaming is as much a part of my physical being as anything tangible. Dreaming, in both senses of the word, is a "time out of time, a time hidden beyond or even within the evident" (164).


  1. Around 8th grade my sister had a similar experience, our dishwasher caught on fire and she woke up in the middle of the night without any alarm or anything. She just had a feeling something was wrong. Needless to say, she saved us.

  2. I think it's weird that a lot of us have these dreams, yet we aren't actually predicting the future. Sometimes I have dreams of something happening and then a few days later it does. It might just be out of coincidence, but to what point is something just a coincidence?

    1. Yes! There are some things that I'm just like this is too crazy to be a coincidence. It's like I can't convince myself that there wasn't a purpose to it. For many things I can accept that things happen randomly and it is a coincidence, but some things my gut refuses to accept.


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