A Weird Comparison of Touch

6 months ago, touch was a relatively welcome thing in this world. It was normal to greet someone with an awkward high five, a handshake in an interview, or a hug for reassurance. Although it is all for good reason, touch is now seen as forbidden or very much frowned upon. You must stay at least 6 feet apart when outside or at the grocery store. You should not shake hands, high five, or hug people who you are not in quarantine with. When you sneeze, make sure you cover so none of your germs touch those around you. We even use gloves when in the grocery store and worry about cross-contamination. We have been told to not touch our faces or refrain from doing so. 
My mom and I using touch by hugging on her
50th birthday that happened during quarantine 

This made me think of when Constance Classen wrote about touch with Adam and Eve. Classes wrote in her book, The Deepest Sense: A Cultural History of Touch, that there were two senses of touch. The “sense of touch-first fell from grace in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve took hold of the forbidden fruit after being expressly warned by God that it was hands-off.” (Classes 149) This sense of touch is where my weird comparison takes place. 

In modern times, everyone is Adam and Eve and we are all on this Earth instead of a garden. We have this forbidden fruit, touch, that we all want to do. This can be through sexual intimacy or just a friendly high five or hug.  It can even be to touch a can of soup at the grocery store without gloves on or to touch your face without fear of the disease. However, God, which can be seen as everyone else who is trying to get people to do their part in flattening the curve, does not want us to have this forbidden fruit. It is our job not to have this forbidden fruit so that we can remain healthy and keep those around us safe in an unsafe time. 

That's my weird comparison of touch in this crazy modern day. Take it as you will. Hug those who are in quarantine with you and look forward to the day where you can go to the store and touch a can of soup with your bare fingers. 


  1. I liked how you compared all of us to Adam and Eve through a modern perspective. Very interesting and abstract-like idea.

  2. I look forward to the time I can go to the store without a mask or gloves on! I went to the pharmacy for the first time since I got home from school closing and I felt so strange wearing a mask in public. (I just haven't had a reason to go in public except down my super quiet street this whole time)
    P.S. I don't think your comparison is that weird, I think it is creative and works really well!


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