I Hear Ya
While Rasmussen was traveling in Indonesia, she felt that the locals weren't exactly appreciating her for her academic background or for her credentials. It was for her involvement in music as a musician that earned her respect and a liking from the locals. This example shows that people of different cultures with different backgrounds can connect via music alone; it can bridge any cultural gap. In fact, different cultures (not necessarily races, but also societal cultures) gave birth to different types of music all throughout history. Contemporary and classical music came from Europe, jazz and rag came from the US, hymns and gospel came from religions all across the world, etc.. The cultural differences are brought forth in these different types of music, but at the end of the day, music is music, which can bring people closer together.
Music is sometimes described as a language that we all speak. I've been hearing that ever since I was a little kid. Music has always played an important role in my life because not only have I consistently loved cranking tunes on the radio, but I've been playing the trombone since I was 10. Athletics have been my passion, but music is a close 2nd because of the beauty within it. One of my favorite things is to play so many different types of music and songs. In my time as a musician, I've probably covered a good portion of all of the different types of music available to us. The reason I love this is because when I play a song I don't really associate with, I feel like I'm connecting with the culture or the artist that composed it. I appreciate music for how it brings me closer to things, which I think is one of the underlying characteristics within the sense of hearing. It allows for a pathway to understanding and connectedness.
I like how you discussed music and its ability to connect us to others. I think music is such a great way to not only connect to and learn more about other cultures and also for connecting with people. Even simple things like sharing your favorite song with someone is a great way to connect.