Doing it Orally by JBK

Last night, Tuesday March 31st, I had the pleasure of attending sex week’s talk given by our very own professor, Jonathan Brumberg-Kraus. The presentation was called, “Doing it Orally: The Connections of Eating and Sex”. Eating is seen as something so intimate because one places something in their body, crossing a barrier, unlike other senses, and in that way is much like sex.
The main theme of the talk, or at least what I took away was that how intimate eating and having sex are, and how many similarities there are between the two. Professor Brumberg-Kraus drove home the point that eating and sex really do connect to every sense, even the ones you would not think of. At one point stating that eating is hearing because we as humans have evolved the parts of our ears that now attached to our jaw, so we would be able to eat and talk at the same time. He also went on to cite the story of Adam and Eve where eating is seeing, Eve eats the fruit from the tree, therefore it causes her to realize her and Adam’s own nakedness. We also discussed how kissing (and sex) relate to taste, smell and touch which are all involved. 
Brumberg-Kraus also touched slightly upon aphrodisiacs, one of my favorite topics I have blogged about in the past. We discussed D.H Lawrence’s poem, “Figs” and even sampled our own fig eating techniques ourselves. Food and sexual connections date back all the way to the Song of Songs in the Bible and still are relevant to this day. When was the last time someone eating a whole banana didn’t illicit a crude joke in your mind?   


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