6th Sense: It doesn't have to be scary

Throughout Spell of the Sensuous, Abram references the human connection to nature and the importance of this ecological relationship. 

For some reason, when I think of the concept of a 6th sense, I also connect it to nature. More specifically, animals. When I was little I always dreamed of being able to talk to my dog, and I feel the most spiritual presence out in nature.

Just recently, I learned about the idea that every person has a "power animal" (or animals) which are described as "an energy pattern that exists in the spiritual realms, more specifically, the spiritual animal kingdom.  This energy pattern appears in animal form and expresses the characteristics or abilities that the animal form represents" 

 According to some, we all have power animals and they are "connected to us as protectors, guides, healers and teachers."

To me it seems that Abram would embrace this idea that everyone has a special connection with a specific animal not only for it's spiritual benefits but also for the benefits an idea like this may have on the motivation of humans to help the planet.

So how do you find your power animal? According to shamans, power animals most often come to us in "dreams, meditations, initiations and visions. [another aspect of the 6th sense] They are protector spirits that help us in our daily life and in our spiritual search for balance and harmony. They can be our closest ally in life and in spiritual practices."

Tips on how to find yours can be found here: http://www.mypoweranimals.org/how_to_find_your_power_animals-animal_totems.html

So while some ideas on the existence of a 6th sense revolve around the scary evil extra terrestrial,  take comfort in knowing that for others a 6th sense could mean that you constantly feel the presence of a little baby bunny who has your back. 


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