Massage lady

Blog #7
Response to the massage lady

     There were and still are so many thoughts racing through my head regarding the massage lady and her overall presentation to our class. A lot of the stuff that she was talking about was extremely interesting, however, it just made me more curious about a lot of other coinciding topics and psychological principles. For starters, in my mind her presentation called into question the power of suggestion and how big of a role that can play on the overall outcome of a situation. For example, when she had her and a couple of other students place there hands over Gaby's shoulder in an attempt to heal it or relieve some of the tension, she quickly followed up with a comment that the shoulder looked looser and the motion was more fluid when Gaby moved it. But did they actually do anything? Or is it just because they thought they were doing something or that Gaby thought it would do something that it actually ended up doing something? Is there a difference between these two things? If the mind thinks something is going to happen so then it happens, relative to you, isn't your shoulder in fact getting better? Sorry to get so abstract....ill reel it back in for the remaining parts of this blog....but this presentation did make me extremely curious.
     The second part of her presentation that I would like to talk about is the fact that she claims she has experienced music differently since she let her "body" feel the music rather than her "mind". Then she went on to say that when you allow your body to feel the music it will move to it differently and you will be able to vibe to it differently then when you hear it with your mind. I don't know how I feel about this school of thought. I fully and wholeheartedly believe that the mind is in full control of the body and dictates the way it feels things. I cant help but see her statement about letting the body dance to the music as a contradiction to my own beliefs on the matter. Perhaps she meant it to be more of a symbolic or metaphoric reference than anything else, but I still am not sure that I fully understand it.
....PS: While I was writing this blog post on the topic or theme of "energy" this hippie wandered into my room and started talking to me about energy. He carried around a rock in his pocket, quartz. I am not kidding....His mom practices energy healing and he explained to me how he is extremely spiritual and not religious. I kid you not almost direct quote he was talking about crystals and pyramids and why do atoms form at points, when no atoms really touch? I couldn't make this up people...


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