The meaning of paranormal dreams

There is a definite connection between the supernatural and dreaming. A dream itself almost seems to be a supernatural experience when we have dreams that seem so real but yet are over when we return to consciousness. We are able to see those who are no longer with us in our dreams but do these apparitions com from memory? Or are they visits from the dead? Either way, these visits or memories come from a place of love and longing to once again see those who we have lost even if we never knew them when they were living.

When I was about two I began to put names to people and talking as a developing child would. I had two older cousins who referred to my grandfather as “Grandpa” along with the rest of my family. My family was rightfully surprised and confused when I began referring to my grandfather as “Pop”. My parents were unable to pinpoint where I could have come up with this name until my grandfather began to decipher the name. My grandfather had never known his father because he had died in war when he was only a baby but his mother and siblings always referred to him as “Pop”. When my grandfather questioned me about where I had gotten the name, I pointed to my grandfather and said “daddy”. My grandfather interpreted this as a sign that his father was trying to contact him through me and had visited me in a dream.

We often view visits from the paranormal as violent or disturbing because that is how the media and Hollywood chooses to portray them. They show children having dreams of the dead as a nightmarish event that usually ends in a haunted house or possession. Unlike Hollywood, the real life appearances of the deceased in dreams are usually much more peaceful or even beautiful. There have been many times where I have seen my grandparents or family members I did not even know in my dreams and they have never been scary or disturbing but rather emotional and loving.

Sometimes it can be difficult to tell what is really just a dream and what is a visit from those who have passed. There really is no way to tell the difference but rather it is up to the dreamer to decide what dreams mean. A dream about a deceased grandmother can be passed off as a memory or something that was made up by the extensive knowledge of the human conscience. The same dream can also be interpreted as the soul of a grandmother expressing her love from beyond the grave. I believe that when I have dreams about those who have passed that they are trying to reach out to me. The dreams do not have to prophetic or even mean anything but it could just be the soul of someone who loves me letting me know they are still here.


  1. See my comment to Cal's post above,


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