Connecting Through Touch

Touch is imperative to human survival. By the way humans use touch, it can be used as a different language. When people meet each other a handshake can often be the first transaction of socialization. Similarly, people who are attracted to each other can be seen holding hands. Both hand touching interactions are similar, but are seen as different interactions. Touch in the right way can allow a deeper dialogue between people.
I think that there is more to touch than that humans like to be touched. Based on our natural biology it is sort of hardwired into us that we need touch and physical attention. Because humans are mammals and do not produce large bouts of offspring, we take more time and energy into the care of our young. With this focused attention, touch is a major role in raising a child. In The book, A History of The Natural Senses, Ackerman points out a really interesting point that babies that were touched were seen to grow at a healthier rate. We need touch not only for a physical satisfaction but for our mental health. Humans are social beings that thrive off of each other and touch is a path that people take to feel even more connected.

Touch transcends beyond humans. In our natural world, we can become more connected through touching our surroundings. Whether it be putting your hand in a mountain stream or petting a dog, touch connects a person to the world around them.


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