It's like I can still smell her cookies

Smell is the most powerful sense when it comes to memories and nothing smells better than an anecdote:

Every week since I was 5 years old my family and I would go to my grandma's house to have a barbeque with my uncles and cousins. The second I would run into my grandma's house I would be welcomed by the tangible sent of my grandma's famous chocolate caramel cookies and nothing could stop me from being the first one in her kitchen and eating some of the delicious warm cookies and chug a tall glass of milk. And this was even before I even said hello to my grandparents.

13 years later my grandmother passed away but the thought of her cookies is immortal. Even now, every time I smell any cookies similar to my grandma's I feel the same way that I did when she last hugged me. All I can say now is that I am very glad that smell triggers memories because I can now hug my grandmother everytime I make cookies.


  1. Do you think your "grandmother memories" triggered by the cookie smells are "religious" in any sense?


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