The Importance of Touch

I personally take touch for granted. I did not think something so simple could be so rewarding emotionally, psychologically, and physically. And it simply amazes me.
Michelangelo, The Creation of Adam

We as humans are reliant on contact with other living things. We have even grown our technology and advanced it enough to communicate with people around the world. But communication is not enough on its own. We crave touch. It does not have to be sexual, a simple hug, pat on the back, or even a handshake can help alleviate our constant need to be touched.

Even as infants, touch is essential to development. A child born prematurely has a very low chance or survival. These children receive massages and exercises daily in order to provide them stimulation and hopefully, increase their health benefits. Infants who were massaged gained weight fifty percent faster than those who did not, they are also seen as more active and alert.

Ackerman, Diane. A natural history of the senses. Phoenix, 2000.


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