Taste drives us

People gravitate towards food. Food unites our body in a biological way but also in a social way. It seems today that in a social setting amongst my friends, food is most likely around or the focal point of an event. The eating and tasting of the food seems to be mindless when I think of it as just eating. I recall last winter when a  friend and I during a winter storm were sick of chase food so we decided to try to go to  the the local grocery store. I felt like the video below really encapsulated our experience.

Even though the weather was too bad for us to drive anywhere, the thought of food made us make questionable decisions. The tastes for certain foods drove us to act on this feeling. The significance of this story is that it was endlessly entertaining trying to get the car to move out of it's snow filled parking spot. Taste and food created an experience that did not even end with eating food, thats how powerful the sense of taste is.


  1. Yes indeed, craving a certain taste or flavor can be a great motivator! If only religions could figure out some way to channel our desires! ;-)


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