I Want to Smell Good

    Yesterday our ice breaker question was "when has a smell made you immediately do something?" I was re-reading Deborah Green's conclusion today for my blog post, and I got to a part on page 3 where she began to describe the use of scented oils on the body and hair and massaging perfume on a person in a bathhouse, reading all these pleasant smells of anointment got me so immersed in the thought of the power of smell and imagining all the earthy floral perfume notes that I immediately opened a new tab and started looking at perfumes. Which in turn made me so frustrated because obviously I am now looking online for perfume and am unable to smell them, so how would I be able to choose! I new the smell in my mind that I wanted, but like Ackerman pointed out in Natural History of the Senses smells can only be described by other smells, and what they are supposed to smell like or what they come from, so I remained unsatisfied, and perfume-less. 



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