Seeing is Tasting: A Social Media World

While on my Instagram this spring break, I saw this post from Martha Stewart and the caption immediately made me think of this class. 

While it seems like food articles used to target taste buds, articles now about food are targeting a social media audience with an "it's pretty" approach. 

People care so much about their social media feeds that Martha Stewart has had to develop synesthesia, connecting colors with tastes. She now focuses some of her recipes based on how they look. Are they pretty enough to post? This title says nothing about how the items taste, yet it's a post about food- with a recipe! Do we think that if it looks pretty it must taste good? 

Just a quick observation on how the world around us (and our senses) might be changing due to this social media age. 


  1. I agree, there is a huge amount of aesthetics in cooking. Fancy restaurants prize themselves on their tiny, yet artfully displayed, culinary masterpieces on their oddly shaped dishware. I would say, especially, in this media-driven day that appearance has a significant impact on our desire for food. The more colorful, as seen in your picture, the more interested we are!


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