Embarking on our banquet...
What makes a banquet?
As Easter quickly approaches, and I realize that I will not be going home to celebrate the holiday as I normally do with my family in Astoria, NY, I think about the celebration I am missing out on, and what I will be doing to make up for this.
We all know where we are going next, we walk the three blocks together to my nonna's where we all gather on outside when the weather is nice for pictures, then we go inside for the courses to begin. My nonna prepares for Easter for weeks in advance, making sure every grandchild has their own massive chocolate egg to crack after dinner, and that we each have our favorite flavor "horse/doll" cookie (a tradition in my family). The dinner consists of multiple courses each of which has taken her special preparation, we all have helped to prepare for the meal in some way.
As we begin to prepare our banquet here at Wheaton I thought about what makes a banquet a banquet. Looking at my very own Easter banquet I think I can see some things that are important for banquets no matter what the specific occasion. The first is preparation, a banquet takes time to plan in order for it to be a successful event. It takes time in advance to lay out a plan for a banquet, there is a lot of thought that goes behind these types of events. In the case of my Easter banquet there are many traditions that dictate the event, what we do, what we will eat, and what we will talk about. For our banquet for this class it will take some research to plan out these things because we will need to know what the other group is expecting of the banquet.
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